Villari effect and metal magnetic memory technique in inspection of magnetic materials under stress

  • Nguyen Thi Le Hien
  • Doan Thanh Dat
  • Le Thi Phuong Nhung
Keywords: Villari effect, metal magnetic memory, non-destructive testing, stress concentration, structure failure


Stress concentration is a major cause of metal structure failures. In ferromagnetic materials, it changes the nearby magnetic field, which is called the inverse magnetostrictive effect or Villari effect. The metal magnetic memory (MMM) method, which is developed based on the Villari effect, is considered a novel, advanced, unique non-destructive testing technique allowing identification of stress concentration zones and early prediction of damage potential for ferromagnetic materials. The paper introduces the Villari effect theoretical basis, the development of the MMM technique, and some experimental investigations conducted by the Vietnam Petroleum Institute in which this technique is used to produce test equipment for material structures under stress.


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How to Cite
Nguyen Thi Le Hien, Doan Thanh Dat, & Le Thi Phuong Nhung. (2020). Villari effect and metal magnetic memory technique in inspection of magnetic materials under stress. Petrovietnam Journal, 8, 60 - 66. Retrieved from

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