Assessment of potential and offshore wind power development of Vietnam and recommendations to Petrovietnam

  • Nguyen Xuan Phuong Institute of Energy - Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT)
  • Le Van Hung Institute of Energy - Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT)
  • Tran Tuan Duong Institute of Energy - Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT)
  • Vu Binh Duong Institute of Energy - Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT)
  • Pham Quy Ngoc Vietnam Petroleum Institute
  • Hoang Thi Phuong Vietnam Petroleum Institute
Keywords: Offshore wind power, potential, supply chain, market, policy


With a coastline of over 3.200 km and a water area of about 1 million km2, Vietnam is considered a country with great offshore wind potential, especially offshore wind energy. However, offshore wind power is a relatively new field in Vietnam. The research works in this field have, up to now, mainly forcused on potential assessments. There are limited in-depth technical studies and studies on the offshore wind supply chain and assessment of the ability of Vietnam businesses to participate. As a core and key unit of the energy industry, the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) has much experience and advantages in implementing projects on the sea area. Petrovietnam can completely master specialized fields in the offshore wind power development chain such as: geological/geotechnical and geophysical survey, installation of submarine cables, design and installation of steel structures, equipment transportation, etc. In order to take this opportunity, Petrovietnam has been building and preparing the necessary conditions to be ready to participate as an investmentor as well as to provide services in the supply chain of offshore wind power in Vietnam.
This study has evaluated the roadmap for developing offshore wind power in Vietnam inline with the national plans, aiming for the target that offshore wind capacity would increase from the current level of 0 to 6GW by 2030 and a vision of 70 - 91.5 GW by 2050. Results of assessing technology trends, costs, and supply chain potential for offshore wind power in Vietnam show that PVN's subsidiaries have strengths in services such as: analysis services, geological, geophysical oceanographic surveys and environmental impact assessment; design and fabrication services for offshore substations and turbine foundations; turbine installation services, turbine foundations, substations, offshore underground cable laying; O&M services; decommissioning services such as: abandoning offshore structures and underground cable systems. Based on the results of analyzing the potential and opportunities for developing offshore wind power in Vietnam, this study also proposes some recommendations for Petrovietnam and relavant agencies in the short and long term.


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How to Cite
Nguyen, X. P., Le, V. H., Tran, T. D., Vu, B. D., Pham, Q. N., & Hoang, T. P. (2023). Assessment of potential and offshore wind power development of Vietnam and recommendations to Petrovietnam. Petrovietnam Journal, 1, 70-80.

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