Application of machine learning to decline curve analysis (DCA) for gas-condensate production wells with complex production history due to add-on perforation of new reservoirs

  • Ngo Huu Hai Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Pham Hoang Duy Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Nguyen Ngoc Tan Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Hoang Ky Son Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Tran Ngoc Trung Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Tran Vu Tung Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
Keywords: Machine learning, decline curve analysis, wellhead pressure, production forecast, reserves


For every oil and gas operator, DCA plays an essential role since it provides crucial information for production planning and reserves estimation. DCA is the analysis of the decline in production rate or pressure over time, which can be done by fitting a curve through production or pressure historical data points and making a forecast for the well based on the assumption that the same declining trend will continue in the future. However, the conventional DCA method has been shown to have some limitations. On the other hand, machine learning has been vigorously and extensively researched in the last decade; its applications can be found in every aspect of life as well as in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, it is the ideal time to study the application of machine learning to DCA, to complement this important analysis. In this case study, machine learning was used to predict the decline of wellhead pressure, thereby determining well life as well as estimating reserves. The method was applied to 2 wells with very complex production histories due to add-on perforation of new reservoirs. The prediction was verified to have high reliability by comparison with dynamic modeling results.


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How to Cite
Ngo, H. H., Pham, H. D., Nguyen, N. T., Hoang, K. S., Tran, N. T., & Tran, V. T. (2023). Application of machine learning to decline curve analysis (DCA) for gas-condensate production wells with complex production history due to add-on perforation of new reservoirs. Petrovietnam Journal, 2, 4-9.

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