Porosity cut-off values evaluated by classifying reservoir rock types from cores data. A case study for Triassic reservoir T1, Blocks 433a&416b, Algeria

  • Ngo Khanh Xa Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Phung Van Hai Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Huy Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Nguyen Hai An Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Le Dinh Thanh Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Pham Duc Bieu Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Do Duy Khoan Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
Keywords: Porosity, permeability, cut-off, rock type, net pay


This paper introduces the method to determine the porosity cut-off values by classifying rock types from cores data based on permeability cut-off value by 1 mD (for sandstone reservoir with oil). The purpose of this method is to calculate net pay reservoir more precisely for estimating hydrocarbons initially in place and building static models. Normally, the cut-off values of porosity are defined on a cross-plot of porosity versus permeability obtained from core data. However, the results of petrophysical analysis are not consistent with DST results. There are some wells with reservoir net pay of several meters, but the DST does not deliver flows. The application of a new method determining the porosity cut-off values on T1 reservoir shows the reservoir net pay is consistent with actual data of the field.


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How to Cite
Ngo, K. X., Phung , V. H., Nguyen, N. T. H., Nguyen, H. A., Le, D. T., Pham, D. B., & Do, D. K. (2023). Porosity cut-off values evaluated by classifying reservoir rock types from cores data. A case study for Triassic reservoir T1, Blocks 433a&416b, Algeria. Petrovietnam Journal, 2, 40-47. https://doi.org/10.47800/PVSI.2023.02-05