A comprehensive technical assessment of well intervention operations across all PVEP’s projects (2017 - 2021 period) and recommendations for ongoing optimization

  • Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Huy Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Tran Hong Nam Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Ngo Khanh Xa Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Dang Ngoc Quy Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Phung Van Hai Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Tran Van Lam Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Dinh Viet Anh Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
  • Roan Van Viet Petrovietnam Domestic Exploration Production Operating Company Limited (PVEP POC)
  • Phan Vo Hiep Cuu Long JOC
  • Do Dinh Phan Hoang Long - Hoan Vu JOC
  • Nguyen Van Thiet Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation
Keywords: Well intervention, perforation, increased oil and gas production, electric submersible pump, water/gas shut-off, hydraulic fracturing, acid treatment


This article provides a summary and assessment of well intervention activities, including perforation (add-perf/re-perf), acid treatment (acidizing), water/gas shut-off (WSO/GSO), hydraulic fracturing (HF), and electric submersible pump installation (ESP) at oil and gas production projects that the Petrovietnam Exploration and Production Corporation (PVEP) has participated in investment, operation, and optimization during the period of 2017 - 2021. Based on this, the effectiveness of well interventions in increasing production and reservoir recovery is evaluated. Additionally, the article analyzes lessons learned and proposes directions for optimizing well interventions for the next phase.


Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Huy, Roan Van Viet, Phan Vo Hiep, Dinh Viet Anh, et. al., “Evaluation of the effectiveness of well intervention activities during the 2017 - 2021 period and direction for implementation in production of oil and gas fields currently and prospectively producing during the 2022 - 2027 period by PVEP”, Scientific and Technological Report, Petrovietnam Exploration and Production Corporation, 2023.

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How to Cite
Nguyen, N. T. H., Tran, H. N., Ngo, K. X., Dang, N. Q., Phung , V. H., Tran, V. L., Dinh, V. A., Roan, V. V., Phan, V. H., Do, D. P., & Nguyen, V. T. (2023). A comprehensive technical assessment of well intervention operations across all PVEP’s projects (2017 - 2021 period) and recommendations for ongoing optimization. Petrovietnam Journal, 2, 54-67. https://doi.org/10.47800/PVSI.2023.02-07